Saturday, June 30, 2018

Life without Comparision

Life without Comparison

No one can do life exactly as I can do life.  It has taken me a long time to accept this as fact. 

In my earlier years, I was consumed with comparing my life with my peers, and I always seemed to come up short.  I never dressed as well, as fashionable as they, I wasn’t as talented as they, I wasn’t as popular as they. 

What a conundrum.  And then, at some point, I began to see and accept my own worth and value.  I began to notice I have opinions too.  I have my skill set and it is slightly or largely different from my peers, yet it works too.  People actually would come and listen to my musical productions, hear me sing solos, and now they read my stuff and listen to my podcasts.

Wow!  I am accepted for who I am. 

Finding acceptance inside our own skin is a grand day indeed.  What a pursuit. 

What a find!

This is what is on
my mind today.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope

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