Today is Friday. It is raining on the outside. It’s windy and unusually cold for April in the northwest. But Sunday’s coming.
Today we have stuff to do. Carolyn has her internship. I have my Friday morning in the library writing.
Tonight we attend a Good Friday service. But Sunday’s coming.
Saturday I have to work. I have quotas to meet, sales to make, people to see. But Sunday’s coming.
As I lay my head on my pillow Saturday night my last thought will be Sunday’s Coming. It will be a day to celebrate, to anticipate, and to hold on to hope.
I’ll do my tasks for today on Friday.
I’ll make it through Saturday.
But Sunday? Oh yeah! Sunday’s coming.
I’m anticipating Sunday. I’ll sing a hymn or two, read some Bible passages, pray some prayers, and I’ll celebrate. I’ll think and meditate on love and redemption, grace and forgiveness, the limits of my mortality and the abundance, and majesty of an eternal God.
He had a plan all along. It included you and me, a Redeemer, a cross, a grave and a heavy stone cast aside. His plan is all about Hope. Love. Forgiveness. Redemption. .
Can you see the empty grave?
Hope cries out.
Can you see through the burial cloth that covered the face of our Redeemer?
“Look to me” it seems to cry out. “I see you. I want to offer you something that is life changing.”
Can you see the gravestone cast aside?
It’s an open door to hope, love, forgiveness, redemption. It is ours for the taking.
Will you walk through the door with me?
It’s Friday.
But Sunday’s coming!!!
Today we have stuff to do. Carolyn has her internship. I have my Friday morning in the library writing.
Tonight we attend a Good Friday service. But Sunday’s coming.
Saturday I have to work. I have quotas to meet, sales to make, people to see. But Sunday’s coming.
As I lay my head on my pillow Saturday night my last thought will be Sunday’s Coming. It will be a day to celebrate, to anticipate, and to hold on to hope.
I’ll do my tasks for today on Friday.
I’ll make it through Saturday.
But Sunday? Oh yeah! Sunday’s coming.
I’m anticipating Sunday. I’ll sing a hymn or two, read some Bible passages, pray some prayers, and I’ll celebrate. I’ll think and meditate on love and redemption, grace and forgiveness, the limits of my mortality and the abundance, and majesty of an eternal God.
He had a plan all along. It included you and me, a Redeemer, a cross, a grave and a heavy stone cast aside. His plan is all about Hope. Love. Forgiveness. Redemption. .
Can you see the empty grave?
Hope cries out.
Can you see through the burial cloth that covered the face of our Redeemer?
“Look to me” it seems to cry out. “I see you. I want to offer you something that is life changing.”
Can you see the gravestone cast aside?
It’s an open door to hope, love, forgiveness, redemption. It is ours for the taking.
Will you walk through the door with me?
It’s Friday.
But Sunday’s coming!!!