Thursday, November 29, 2018



I’m in a restaurant eating breakfast.  There are three conversations happening around me.  From what I hear and observe, in each of these sets of conversations, ‘listening’ is happening.  I hear and sense good and wholesome listening going on.  That’s a good, yea ‘great’ thing.

CB and I have a rule.  When she comes to where I’m writing, or doing anything, and wants to talk, I take my hands off the computer keys, I mute the TV and devote my whole attention to what she has to say.  And she does the same.


What an art – to tune in, to pay attention.  I remember a line from a book I read five years ago. 

A husband and wife are talking.  The wife says, “I’ve never been so listened to … so heard.”

Wow!  That is a great relationship moment.

This is what is
on my mind today.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Your Hands

Your Hands

Behold your hands.  What will you do with
them today?

Will you build up or tear down?
Will you make something useful?
Will you offer them in help to a friend in need?
Will you use your hands and the talents and finer points to do some good in this world?

I hope so. 

Carolyn plays piano as just one of her many talents.  She uses her hands in magical, mystical ways to produce the lovely music she produces.

Aileen makes incredible pies.  Oh my, you should taste her coconut cream pie.  AMAZING!

Erich is a contractor/builder.  You should see some of the homes he builds.  They are magnificent

My surgeon, Dr. Sam, used his hands to touch my heart last December.  He performed open heart surgery on me. 

I tried my hand at the potter’s wheel once.  It was not a pretty sight.  I had not developed my hands to craftsman quality … yet.

Whatever your hands can do today, go and do lots of it.  We need your hands in this world.

This is what is
on my mind today.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope

Saturday, November 17, 2018

What Others Think

What Others Think

This picture is a hard pill to swallow.  And if we suffer with low self-esteem, lousy self-image or a horribly negative view of ourselves, it could be a devastating idea.

However, the truth remains.  People will judge.  People will talk behind your back.  People will form whatever opinions of you or of anyone else they choose.  And they don’t need your permission.

YOU, however, can overcome any negative press that goes on in other’s minds.  You can ignore them and their opinions.

YES – you can ignore.   Consider this as your permission slip. 

Really … REALLY, what’s most important here?

Fabricated falsehoods or a true blue YOU!

Hold your best self always in your mind. 

This is what is
on my mind today.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope