Friday, August 17, 2012

Four Tips for Leaders

Four Tips to Help Leaders Keep Climbing

If you are a leader and you want to keep getting better, allow me to suggest these four tips to consider.   Leaders keep climbing or they fall back and so does the enterprise. 

So how do leaders keep climbing?

Leaders Give Up.
Every good leader has had to give up something in order to continue being the leader.  There will always be pet projects and pet tasks that every leader loves to do, but if they want to continue leading, they realize the need to give up those pet areas and let others do that work for them.  And that segues nicely into point #2.

Leaders Work on the Business.
Once a leader begins to see the need to give up some things, they transition from working in the business to working on the business.  When one works on the business, he or she becomes available to see the bigger picture:  the five-year, ten-year and twenty-year plan with more clarity.

When one changes their perspective, they see with the eyes of a leader. 

Leaders are Readers.
Either you read or you dwindle.  There are some insightful magazines along with an immense wealth of books available to us today.  We must read.  We must schedule time every day for reading.  That is a do-or-die non-negotiable.

There are a half-dozen book summary programs to which one can subscribe in order to keep abreast of the wealth of reading material being produced.  A well-read leader becomes someone worth following.

Read and turn your automobile into a “rolling university” and watch your productivity and business acumen increase.

Leaders Associate with other Leaders.
There is a money principle that says this:  “If you are a millionaire and want to be a billionaire, then you need to associate with a few billionaires.”

Iron sharpens iron.  We have to brush up against players who are better than we are in order to develop a better skill set and a better game.  Run with the elite to become elite.

Something to think about.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

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