Thursday, September 1, 2011

Teams Work

Let's talk about TEAM!

There is no “I” in team.

Earl Nightingale tells a great story about the importance of teamwork. 

“Once upon a time a group of boy scouts were on a weekend hike.  They came upon an old set of abandoned rail road tracks.  One by one the boys hopped upon the tracks and soon made a game out of seeing who could walk the longest distance without falling off.  Many tried, and of course they ultimately lost their balance and fell off the tracks.

“Two of the boys withdrew from the group and put their heads together for a few minutes and then approached the scout master. 

“They boastfully said.  We can walk the tracks farther than anyone without falling off. 

“They hopped up on the tracks, joined hands, and away they went, in perfect balance and in perfect sync.” 

You see, they discovered the art of teamwork.  In the word “team’ there is no “I”.

Synonyms for TEAM are words such as:

It all comes down to teamwork.  We share the load; we share the grunt, and the blood, toil and tears.  We share the nitty-gritty.  Above all, when we become victorious, we share the glory.

The most important two-letter word in our English language is “WE”.  Bosses should love it when their employees proudly say “Look what WE did!”

Napoleon Hill is famous for his doctrine of the Master Mind; two or more minds united for a common purpose, drawing upon the collective wisdom of all of the minds in a group.  That is Teamwork.

So, how is your team? 

I hope you are finding and developing your team.  I hope you fit like a hand in a glove. 

What if … on the 8th day, God looked around and saw one more thing that needed creating.  And then he said … “Let there be teams.”

Teams are GOOD! 

Very good indeed..

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