Thursday, January 30, 2020

The Potential in One Person

The Potential in One Person

I’ve written on this before, and it deserves another effort.  I’ll be brief so please remain as you were.

The unknown quote I’m using is this:

It’s not what they are now. 
It’s what they could be. 

I wasn’t much to look at when I was in the tenth grade.  Oh, I had soft goals, wishes, dreams of what I would be someday.  I’m glad most of you didn’t know me then.  However, I grew, I learned, I improved.  I became.

Did you get that last part?  I BECAME!

Note this:  Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks, was fired from his job as a computer salesman because he failed to open the store one day.  He was busy with a potential client.  He went out, started his first company – Micro-Solutions- and made billions of dollars off that and other interests.

Bob Dylan was booed off the stage at his high school talent show.

Randy Travis was rejected by every major record label twice.  

This famous quote by Michael Jordan sums up our time together today.

What is your potential?

This is what is

on my mind today.

P Michael Biggs

Friday, January 24, 2020

Do You Leave a Mark or Scars?

Do You Leave a Mark or Scars?

This is an important people skill principle, so listen up. 

The question is this … Are you a person who leaves a mark or do you leave a scar?

I know the difference.  Do you?

My life has been marked in significant ways by some giants.  I’ll name a few, and for sure omit many others who should be mentioned as well.

D.W., Ronn, Jim, another Jim, Billy, Folk, Roger, Russell, Stan, Lawrence, Mrs. Jones, Barbara, Howard, Gene, Buddy, Joe, and like I said, a whole lot more.

Each of these men and women have left their mark on my life in significant ways.  Some through music, or leadership, some in friendship, childhood friends, even my typing teacher. 

They each have marked me ~ and I proudly bear the marks they have left on my life, in my mind and on my heart.

As for the scars that have be left in my life … I’m still dealing with a few of those.  Certain words are triggers, a certain tone of voice sometimes triggers a negative response. 

Can you understand this important concept?  Will you determine in your heart to leave a mark, and not leave scars?

I hope so.  I surely hope so. 

This is what is

on my mind today.

P Michael Biggs