Sunday, February 24, 2019

We Make Appointments with Ourselves

We Make Appointments with Ourselves

Nothing much good ever comes without intent.  When we ‘intend’ to do a thing, we find the moments that lead to making that happen.

I am a writer.  I don’t write by accident.  I make appointments with myself and write.  Such is the case on this Sunday morning.  I have set aside a block of time to do this thing of creating and writing.

We make appointments for the important stuff in life.  We value ourselves as worthy when we make appointments for self, whether it is to write, paint, practice piano, or have a mental break.  We take time for the pause. 

An important essential in life.

This is what is
on my mind today.

P Michael Biggs

Saturday, February 16, 2019

A Teachable Moment

A Teachable Moment

At the moment, I’m watching and overhearing my son-n-law teach his son, Greyson, how to use a drill to put on some cabinet knobs.  Grey is eleven.  It’s going very well and they have successfully completed one drawer.

Someone had to teach Erich, my son-n-law.  And he is passing along this skill.  What a moment in time.

I had to learn my manners, how to dress and feed myself, as you did too.  I also learned drumming, singing, conducting, writing, my math tables and all those other scholarly skills that go with getting an education. 

All you need as a learner is a willing and open mind. 

Ah, but as a teacher …
Skill and knowledge, of course
An abundance of patience
Proper tools help

This dance of teacher/learner has been going on for as long as man has been around.  It started with lessons in how to make a fire, the wheel, other crude and useful tools.  And mankind got better as time went on.

Best regards as you teach and as you learn.

This is what is
on my mind today.

P Michael Biggs

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Some Thoughts on Self-Worth

Some Thoughts on Self-Worth

We revisit an old friend today -  self-worth.  Valuing one’s own self-worth is one of the highest thoughts one can hold. 

Are you worthy?
Do you like yourself?
Do you approve of yourself?

Self-worth contributes to a sense of inner peace for each of us.  How can we do some good in this world if we don’t believe in ourselves and our efforts? 

Which do you choose?
Self-loathing or self-worth

It really does come down to that.

This is what is
on my mind today.

P Michael Biggs