Friday, May 9, 2014

What Do You Offer

I bought a drill recently, not because I wanted a drill.  I wanted holes.  I wanted what a drill does.  It makes holes.

Revlon doesn't sell perfume.  They sell fantasies.

Disney doesn't sell rides.  They sell magic, and they sell happiness.

What do you sell?

If you sell insurance, you really sell peace of mind.

If you sell mattresses, you really sell a better night’s sleep.

If you sell real estate you really sell home ownership.  The house and land just happen to be located on that particular spot.

For whatever it is we do, we must understand the end benefit of ownership, or of using our services or reading our books and blogs. 

“What will my blogs do for you” is the ultimate question.  We seriously don’t need one more volume of anything to read.  We do need ideas, fresh ways of viewing life, and a road that leads to better, more, and happy.  And we need hope and inspiration.  That is the “why” of my writing.

What is your benefit? 
What do you offer?
What do people gain from your gadget or from knowing you?

Figure that one out and you skip through life with a happy heart and a satisfied soul.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

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