Monday, December 30, 2013

W = Wonder

(Our premise is this:  If plan A fails you still have twenty-five other options.)

Always be a wonderer.  Always.  If we ever lose our curiosity, we lose a huge chunk of desire to live a full and productive life.  And if we lose that, often the next step is to give up and let the parade pass one by.  

To be a wonderer is to ask questions.  Wonderers want to know the how and the “why” behind every gadget, every enterprise and every possibility.  
Always, always hold onto your inquisitive spirit.  

People who wonder find answers, make discoveries, and become doers in this world. 

And even, as is or premise, we have failed, that first place to start is to wonder why.  There are dozens of questions that follow when one chooses this approach.

What caused the failure?
What will I do next time?
To whom can I turn for help?

To wonder is to get out of our rut and find new venues to discover. 
To wonder speaks volumes about the wonderer.  He/she is intent on solutions.  A wonderer will turn into a doer once the solutions present themselves.  

The greatest question a wondering person can ask is this:  What next?

What next? 

I see a bend in the road and I must see what is around it.
I heard of a cure and now I must know more.
I’ve heard that person is an expert in my field and I must meet him/her and establish community.

There is profundity in the simple.

Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.

Wonder often leads to better.  Have you ever wondered at the stories your enterprise has to tell?  It could speak of your initial joys, frustrations, hardships and heartbreaks.  Just wonder and let your mind explore those passages as if a small child.  I wonder what you will discover.

The world is a wonder.  It is ever bursting with some new something.  We have but to open our inner eyes and see new wonders every moment at every turn.

For wonder to work properly, one has to be on the lookout for the new, the obscure, and the right-before-your-eyes vistas.  Sometimes I just wonder for the sake of wondering.  I ask the what, the how, the how come, the what if, and the why not,

When we wonder, almost anything can happen.  For the moment we break free from the bounds of earth and allow all possibilities to come forth.

Wonder as you wander!
P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

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