Monday, September 23, 2013

Imagination #10

Today we conclude our ten-part series on Leadership Characteristics based on a Harvey McKay weekly blog.

The research for these ten words came from a four-year series of executive seminars conducted by Santa Clara University and the Tom Peters Group/Learning systems.  This list first appeared in Management Review Magazine).  These thoughts are my own creation.

Leadership Trait #10

When we think of imagination perhaps we think of men like Walt Disney.  He is famous for a few quotes on imagination, and one of his best is this:

“If you can dream it you can do it.”
~Walt Disney

Where would we be without imagination?  Where indeed.  Take a look in any direction and you will see the results of someone’s imagination that came to pass.

Here’s another thought to spur us on.

“Logic will get us from A to Z.
Imagination will get you everywhere else.”
~Albert Einstein

If you lead, your bags should be packed with a healthy respect for imagination.  If you are the imaginative type, set yourself free and picture what ought to be, what might be and what can be.

If you are lacking in the imagination factor, I hope you develop the good sense to bring around you some dreamers and imaginers and then free them to do your dreaming for you. 

I am a big fan of what I call “Imagination Day.”  This is the one or two times per year when you pull together your team for some imaginative thinking. 

John C. Maxwell encourages us to set aside thinking time every week, every month and a few days each year.  I love the concept of “time to think and imagine.”

A new trend in management is to encourage collaborative thinking among differing divisions by strategically placing employees in close proximity in the workplace.  Some organizations even go to the extreme of allowing employees to work on projects outside their normal job description for a small segment of their day as long as they share what they are doing and any results they discover. 

Can you imagine the connections your team will make in an open sharing of their collective imaginations? 

You just may open all kinds of opportunities that could lead to placing your company on the cutting edge of innovation and transformation.

As we wrap up, let me leave you with two more thoughts.

“Imagination is everything.  It is the
preview of life’s coming attractions.”
~Albert Einstein

One of my most-read blogs (Sept 15, 2011) is based on this quote.

~Steve Jobs

And the path to take is through imagination.
P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

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