Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Recap of The Words of Aspire

When I first discovered Kevin’s book Aspire it was apparent that this was a gem that would prove to be a valuable resource for many years to come.  I remarked once that “I have just finished reading this book, but I’ll never be finished reading it.”

So true.  It is the kind of book one will want to dip into from time to time. 

Now, here is a recap of the eleven words of Aspire.

#1  Genshai:  Means “you should never treat another person in a manner that would make them feel small, and that includes yourself!”  

#2  Pathfinder:  A pathfinder is a leader.  “The first part of leader is lea – which means path; the second part – der means finder.”  A Pathfinder sees and shows the way.” Being a leader means finding the path, but before you can help someone else find their path, you must know your own.”

#3  Namaste:  The essence of the meaning of this word is … “You are an unrepeatable miracle”.  Your fingerprint and your footprint are unique to you alone.  You eye can be used for identification because of the unique patterns found inside.  Even your voice vibrates at a frequency unmatched by any other on earth.  You are unique.  You are special.  You have a touch of divinity flowing within you.  That is “Namaste”.

#4-Passion:  Passion is paying a price.  Kevin says, “When one discovers what he/she is willing to pay a price for, then we have discovered our life’s mission and purpose.  Passion is being willing to suffer for what you love.”

#5-Sapere Vedere:  Sapere means knowing how, Vedere means to see
Sapere Vedere is knowing how to see.  In Tennessee, I often heard the phrase “I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.”  Kevin says, “Those with sapere vedere say ‘I’ll see that bridge before I cross it’.”

#6-Humility:  “The origin of “humility” is the Latin word “humus”, meaning soil, specifically rich, dark, organic soil.  When a seed is planted in fertile soil, it transforms into something far greater.  It is the giant oak awaiting in the acorn, or the next great idea read in a book by a hungry student. 

#7-Inspire:  “The meaning of the word ‘inspire,’ comes from the Latin ‘inspirare.’  ‘Spirare,’ means to breathe, and ‘in’ implies intoTo inspire is to breathe into.”

#8-Empathy:  “Empathy is another word that springs from the soil.  ‘Pathy’ comes from path, and ‘em’ is in.  Empathy is walking the path of another.”  If you don’t get on another’s path, if you don’t go where he or she has gone, you can’t truly understand what that person is experiencing.”

#9-Coach:  Coach means something or someone who carries a valued person from where they are to where they want to be.  Coaches are teachers.  They see potential where it is but a small, seemingly insignificant bud poking its head through the dirt.

#10-Ollin:  Pronounced All-in is derived from “yollotl” meaning heart and “yolistli” meaning lifeOllin means ‘to move and act now with all your heart’.  Ollin is also connected to “opportunity”.  The root word is “port”, meaning the entryway by water into a city or place of business.  Only those who recognized the opening could take advantage of the open port.  Ollin people not only go and strive but they also recognize openings, passageways to other opportunities awaiting their discovery.

#11-Integrity:  “Integrity” comes from the Latin “integer” which in math refers to a whole number.  Integrity of one’s word means our word is whole and complete.  

“Being whole and complete with our word entails living one hundred percent of our word, one hundred percent of the time.”

My hope is that this has been a worthy word study for you in your pursuit of an Aspiring life.

P Michael Biggs
Hope and Encouragement in Sight
One Word at a Time

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