Thursday, August 11, 2011



The stuff of life. 

We need it to live. 
We need it go grow. 

It has been said that mankind can live …
--Forty days without food
--Four minutes without air
--Four seconds without hope. 

I want to offer hope in the form of words to those around me. 

What if you had it in your power to give someone hope, and it wouldn’t cost you a dime? 


Would you give it?

Would you give a “dying” person hope?

Of course you would.

Listen carefully!  Lean in and let me whisper in your ear.

Words bring oxygen!

Did you get that?

Words bring oxygen!

Let’s try one more time.


The stuff of life is found in words. 

Words nurture the soul.
   Words encourage the spirit.
      Words offer hope for one more day.
         Words heal.
         Words inspire.
            Words bring one back from the brink.
         Words restore relationships.
      Words release tension.
   Words renew relationships.
Words sometimes can make the difference between life and death.

So, let’s brush up on our vocabulary with some oxygen-generating words of hope and help. 

Somebody in your world right now is waiting for your words, your supply of fresh air that only you can offer. 

Breathe into them life-sustaining words.

Here are some oxygen-giving words that just might make a difference – for you today, or for someone in your life.

-I believe in you.
-You’re going to make it.
-You can do better next time.
-I see such potential in you.
-I have high hopes for you.
-I know your heart, and it is a good heart.
-You are a great one in the making.
-What a creative person you are.  I love that about you.
-You can accomplish that impossible task.  Just hang on a little longer.
-I see a winner in front of me.
-I love you just as you are.
-I’m so proud of you.
-I know this is a tough spot you are in.  Let’s see if I can help get you out.
-I’ve got your back.  You can count on me.
-God cares.
-God is near.
-You are closer than you think.
-Believe in the possibility.
-Believe in a God who believes in you.

Go.  Breathe into someone.  The word “inspire” means to “breathe into” someone.

Spread the oxygen.

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