Thursday, February 10, 2011

Catch Someone Doing Something Right

There is a principle in people relationships that I hope we never lose. Tom Peters made it popular in his book in the eighty’s called In Search of Excellence.

It is simply this …

Catch people
doing something

When I was a regional director for Sylvan Learning Centers it was a popular tenant by which we lived. We would look for something a student did, or a correct attitude one might hold, and we celebrated it.

Maybe they tried their best but still fell short.

I gave a kid some tokens one day for simply picking up a piece of paper. He didn’t drop it. It wasn’t necessarily his concern, but he saw something out of place and he was in a position to do something about it.

Catch people doing something right!

That means employees, customers, your spouse, students, kids, siblings, church members, close friends, ministers, plumbers, carpenters, airline pilots, teachers, co-workers, bosses, etc.

Catch them doing something right and then celebrate it. Shout it to the world.

In a world when it is the norm to criticize someone, show them appreciation instead.

Notice the small things. Compliment them, pay it forward.

Mention the little gestures.
 Celebrate the random acts of kindness.
  Catch people doing something right.

Parents, a word for you.

Do you celebrate the triumphs, the little things?
Shoes that stay tied
     The shirt tail that is generally tucked in?
          The small improvement in keeping a bedroom a bit neater?
               Celebrate the small stuff.

Customers need to be recognized for doing something right.
-Are they consistent in paying their bills? Celebrate it.
-Do they always make time to see you when you come by for your presentation? Celebrate it.
-Do they listen and take your advice on a new product and try it? Celebrate it.

Catch customers doing something right.

Did someone write a brilliant blog, such as this one, and you really gleaned a lot from it? Catch them doing something right. (I dare you.)

Catch someone doing something right, today!

It just might come back to you in some wonderful ways.

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