Monday, July 31, 2017

The Badge of Greatness

The badge of “GREAT” is huge, unless we bestow it upon ourselves.  I am good at a few things.  I am better at a few others, and I want to be GREAT at a few more.

~I want to be known as a great writer.
~I desire to become a great speaker.
~I embrace the idea of becoming a great encourager.

But to declare those things for myself?  That is more than I should do.

In the grand scheme of things, greatness is earned.  It is earned by repetitive acts, moments of stellar and consistent activity strung together in a well-lived life.  Some have greatness thrust upon them, and they do indeed earn that title after all.  Winston Churchill was one.  He became great in his hour in the sun because he earned it.  He used his skills at hand and put his hand to the task.  And along came greatness.

Presidents come and go.  Some are revered as great, but usually after the fact.  Sometimes we don’t see exactly how great one was until after they are no longer around. 

There is a huge difference between talent and greatness.  This quote tells all.
Talent is given. 
Greatness is earned

I’m a talented drummer.  In the grand scheme of things, I’m not a great drummer, compared to the truly ‘great’.  I could add more comparisons; however, you are smart and get the picture here.

And what is the road to greatness?

~Diligence in applying your hand to the task every day.
~Pertinacity (stick-to-it-iveness)
~Willingness to pay the price (whatever that means)

And at all costs, avoid labeling yourself as Mr. GREAT – MS. GREAT.

You may indeed be worthy of such a title.  Please allow us the distinct privilege to name you as such.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

Monday, July 24, 2017

Dance Now

Being a writer is something I dreamed of for thirty years.  I made dabs and spurts of starts along the way, but never fully embraced the idea of “P Michael Biggs – Writer.”

I first thought “If I could own a lighthouse and turn the globe part of that structure into my writing room, then I will write.”

And the dance went on without me.

Without adding other stories and metaphors to this topic, let me cut to the chase.

Circumstances will never be ideal for any pursuit we desire.  We dance now – in the rain, in the lack of ideal circumstances, and with the tools and equipment at hand … NOW, NOW, NOW!

I have learned that I can write in tire stores, libraries, coffee shops, in my auto, on airplanes, at Denny’s restaurants, and even with a spectacular view of the Puget Sound out my window. 

I’m learning to dance wherever I am, and with whatever tools are at hand.

And the weather doesn’t interfere.  I’ve written in thunderstorms, snow storms, at midnight, and early morning.  I have learned to do the thing at hand NOW.  If I wait for ideal circumstances and perfect timing, the ideas may not show up on time. 

I feel like dancing NOW. 

And so I write.

Here is the quote that is my inspiration today.

Vivian Green

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

Monday, July 17, 2017

Be Careful around Books

Books are dangerous.  They sometimes awaken the dead.

Books enlighten, enrapture, educate and

Oh my.  We must be careful around books.

You do see, don’t you, that it is the WORDS inside the books that explode and create change. 

Words have power.  Words change minds and hearts.  They enlighten and educate.  They encourage and inspire.

Yes indeed.  Books can cause all kinds of havoc. 

On the other hand … what has a book ever done in your life?

I could name names.  Perhaps I should.

~The Bible is a torch light in my life
~How to Win Friends and Influence People has given me some solid grounding in my people skills.
~The Ragamuffin Gospel has opened up the world of grace to me.
~Brene Brown’s Daring Greatly has helped me understand and deal with shame.
~Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich and The Law of Success have given me solid mind conditioning.
~Og Mandino’s The Greatest Salesman in the World gave me ten principles for a lifetime of living.

I could go on, and if you are familiar with any of these titles, you already understand the power of the words they contain.

If you read, read wisely and with an open mind.
If you don’t read, find the time and make a commitment to yourself to begin this week.

Books are important.

The words inside of them are more important.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time