Sunday, July 19, 2015

Expose and Write

Here is an idea for you.  I borrowed it from John C. Maxwell’s book on How Successful People Think.

And now … the quote.

Expose yourself to good input.
Be sure and write down significant thoughts.

It is the exposing, the opening oneself up to good ideas that starts this dance.  In the last
twenty years of my life I’ve expanded the list of those whom I allow to influence my thinking.  These are not men and women who have come to my attention, often from other writers, and occasionally from casual conversations with friends.  Some have been dead for a few years, yet their influence lives on and continues to feed my mind. 

Often one of these influencers will lead me to another, and yet another.  I am on the lookout for good, sound minds from which I can glean thoughts and ideas.

The second step in this dance is this …
capture significant thoughts and ideas for later review. 

One of the documents that is open on my laptop is called Blog Ideas.  It is 103 pages of quotes quips, sayings, and longer paragraphs that I have found to be stimulating at one time or another in my reading material.  This is the document to which I turn first almost every time I sit down for a blog writing session. 

I also carry around a pocket-size Mole Skin book as a holding place for spur-of-the-moment ideas as they occur.

Go ahead – expose yourself.

And then write about it. 

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

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