Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Dumb Enough to Carry on Anyway

Dumb Enough to Carry on Anyway

Let me be smart enough 
to know how dumb I am 
and give me the courage 
to carry on anyway.

I would never intend to offend you with my writing, but this one was too good to pass up. 

Are you a smart one? Smart enough to know you are dumb? Oh my. I glad you didn’t know me in my forties. I thought I had the world by its tail and was on top of the heap. I look back on that time in my life and shake my head in wonder and awe at my stupidity. I was fairly good at my craft in those days. Fairly. There were others in my circle who were much better. They looked better, sang better. They WERE better.

And now … I shake my head and thank God I made it through that era. Today, I’m less concerned about bettering someone, or looking better, being better, and each morning I find the courage to carry on anyway.

Can you relate to this? Can you see yourself “back then” and thank God you made it this far?

Self-reflection is a wonderful thing. And as we age, perhaps we gain some true insights. And perhaps, best of all, we gain courage to carry on in spite of our inadequacies.

This is, perhaps, the best kind of courage of all.

This is what is
on my mind today.

P Michael Biggs

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