Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Inspire-The Words of Aspire (#7 of 11)

Lesson #7 in an Eleven-part series based on Aspire by Kevin Hall

In everyone’s life, at some time,
our inner fire goes out.
It is then burst into flame
by an encounter
with another human being.
- Albert Schweitzer –

Our 7th word in this remarkable book is the word INSPIRE.”  I love this particular word for it is near and dear to my own heart and the way I attempt to live my own life. 

When someone inspires you, a door is opened before you; a doorway to accomplishing the impossible.  It was closed before.  Now, with inspiration, you see possibilities that were once hidden.  Walk through that open door and see what awaits you on the other side.

In “Afternoons with Arthur”, Kevin is taught the meaning of inspire.  The conversation went like this: 

“The meaning of the word ‘inspire,’ comes from the Latin ‘inspirare,’  ‘Spirare,’ Arthur instructed, means to breathe, and ‘in’ implies intoTo inspire is to breathe into.”

Arthur further points out that the word “encourage” is closely associated with the word inspire. 

“Coeur” in the Romance languages means heart.  When you “encourage”, you add to someone’s heart

I have often used Maya Angelou’s quote in my blogs.  I found this quote in Kevin’s book “Aspire.”  Listen to this.

“People will forget what you said;
people will forget what you did;
but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

What power we have with the words we use.

When you inspire and praise someone it is as if you are leading them “out of a cold, harsh dungeon into a warm garment of praise.”

When we praise someone, we add value to them, to their lives and to their dream.”  This is one of the profound quotes from Kevin’s book, and I love this thought.  I am all about lifting people up.  My life’s mission is to offer Up-Words to everyone I meet through my writing and speaking. 

To paraphrase Kevin’s words:
“We get to choose
To heal or wound
To inspire or expire
To praise or criticize
To appreciate or depreciate
To encourage or discourage
To focus on strengths or focus on weaknesses”

I want to be an inspiration to everyone with whom I come into contact.  I want to offer an opportunity for good feelings, good will and good thoughts.  I want to show you a bigger picture of who you can become, and what you can become.

I want to inspire you.

And then

Then my hope and prayer is that you too will Inspire someone in return.

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