Friday, November 26, 2010

Great Expectations

During my college days there was a phrase that we like to quote often. It went like this:
        "That’s close enough for jazz.”

How would you like a carpenter building your home to use that phrase?
     “Well, that window doesn’t close all the way, but its
         close enough. After all, we don’t get all that much
           snow and blowing wind up here.

Ouch! I’d be looking for another carpenter real soon, wouldn’t you?

Sir Henry Royce, of the Rolls Royce automobile fame, had the habit of stalking about his factory. One day he overheard an engineer speaking to one of the workmen. “That’s good enough.”

He immediately broke into the conversation. “It’s never good enough. That’s what we’re all here for —to make it better, and then to make it better than it is today. Never say it’s good enough.”

That’s quiet an attitude, isn’t it?

Maybe that is why a Rolls Royce is one of the most prized possessions in the automobile world still today. The name speaks QUALITY.

That’s called mindset.

So what is your mindset?
                    What is your attitude?

Do you expect people to buy from you?
Do you expect to get along with most people?
Do you have a “can do” mindset?

Sort of reminds me of the Bible verse “As a man thinks so is he.”

Earl Nightingale said it this way. “You become what you think about.”

Do you think win?
Do you think “successful outcome?”
Do you believe in YOU?

Do you hold high hopes for yourself, your self-development and your ability to seek a successful outcome?

Attitude is a choice. What are you choosing?
Where are you allowing your thoughts to take you?

Luck is what happens when preparedness meets opportunity.

Hold onto Great Expectations.

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