Thursday, July 1, 2010

WOW Someone!

Everybody loves to be WOWed!. Customers love surprises that show them they are being considered. Wives and husbands love those special moments of “WOW” when the other mate totally surprises them for no reason other than love.

How can you and I add the WOW factor into our everyday business affairs? How can you surprise your customer with stellar service? What can you do to “Make Their Day” in a huge way?

Last Sunday night my wife made one of my favorite meals, just for me. It was meatloaf, mashed potatoes and salad. I’ve enjoyed a couple of left-over portions this week and the memory of being thought of and loved in that way has given me second and third helpings of esteem and good feelings. Sometimes, just knowing you are loved and thought of adds immeasurable blessings and good feelings that keep your spirits encouraged.

Here are a few things I’ve done recently to WOW someone.
I gave a man a couple of mattress bags for free when I could have charged $10.
I offered a discount to a lady for purchasing 2 lesser expensive beds without her asking.
I made French toast for my wife.
I sent a timely email to a long-time friend, out of the blue, just to say “You’re being thought of today.”

These are simple, random acts in and of themselves, but in some small way they made an impression on the recipients and I received some hearty words of appreciation and thanks.

Just yesterday, a husband and wife came back into my store and brought a birthday cake simply because they wanted to. My birthday was over a month ago, and my co-partner’s birthday was two days ago. They remembered and came back and honored us with this birthday remembrance.

What can you do today to WOW someone? Everyone likes to know that they are being thought of in a kind way and remembered.

-Have you read something on the internet that would be of interest to a business associate?
-Have you read a book that someone in your sphere of influence should know about?
-Can you remember someone’s birthday and send an appropriately timed card to let them know you thought of them?
-Can you connect two friends of yours who need to know each other just because you thought they should get together?
-Can you take a plate of cookies (chocolate chip w/walnuts, please) to someone just because you want to brighten their day?

When we add value to people within our sphere of influence, it strengthens the relationships, and reminds them that they are not alone. There is life outside of our daily mundane problems and it’s nice to be reminded of that from time to time. It is also another way of saying to them “You are important.”

WOW someone today!

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