Friday, May 7, 2010

The Law of Cause and Effect

Brian Tracy, in his book Million Dollar Habits, reminds us of this law:

"The Law of Cause and Effect says that if you do what other successful people do, you will eventually get the same results other successful people get. This is a universal law. The law itself is neutral. It works for everybody, everywhere." Pg 55 Brian Tracy

So what do we need to begin doing that other successful people do in order to increase our value and improve our successes in life?

The reverse is – what do we need to stop doing?

Great questions!

I constantly analyze my sales and productivity in terms of others whom I consider to be better than I. What do they do verses my own interpretation of what I do, and why is it better or more successful?

While reading, I notice certain phrases and expressions used and the layout and style of certain authors. I pay attention to the “feel” that is coming through other writers’ works and then seek ways that I might adapt some of what I see and experience.

Do you study others in your profession? If they are successful, they bear close observation. In sales, I’ve seen all dimensions of the good, the bad and the ugly. (Thanks Clint Eastwood.) From the good, I learned more acute listening skills, and some quality body language skills.

How about this: let’s find good role models, people we trust, people who are successful. Study them, learn from them, copy them, analyze them and then reproduce their good character traits and skill sets and see how it impact our lives.

Remember Brian’s quote above:  If you do what other successful people do, you will eventually get the same results other successful people get.

I’m going for it!

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