Monday, May 9, 2016

People Notice

I served a client today.  She casually commented how nice my partner and I were toward her and compared our manners and service to a branch down south that basically ignored her.  She was very complimentary and appreciative of our service and attentiveness.  She noticed.

Carolyn and I ate dinner recently at one of Edmond’s nicer restaurants.  Our waitress started out with less-than-impressive skills and demeanor.  We noticed instantly.

As we often do, we commented on her attitude and Carolyn said, “Let’s see if we can turn her before we leave.”

We did, she turned, and we enjoyed a fine dining experience. 

And we noticed the difference.

Sometimes we think no one notices our mindset, and we blow it off and blow them off and give them a less-than-stellar experience. 

But they notice.  You better believe they notice.

So, every new customer/client is a fresh opportunity to wow and impress. 

The jerk at the next table will probably always be a jerk, yet the new couple that just came in deserves a fresh smile and my best.

Let them notice our best.  They deserve it.

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

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