Friday, November 29, 2013

Q = Quality

(Our premise is this:  If plan A fails you still have twenty-five other options.)

When we come to the “Q” word, the one that stands out most is the word “QUALITY”.  We always want to know about the quality of our work.  We are talking about our value and our worth. 

Quality control is one principle that every enterprise must focus on.  We plan, we create and we promote that our products or services will deliver to a certain level, and our quality control department is the one that assures we meet those standards.  How many restaurants have you seen fall by the wayside because of a change in recipes or cutting corners to save costs and it ends up affecting the quality of their food?

How many companies have lost market share in an attempt to add to their bottom line by sacrificing quality somewhere along the production line? 

Quality is either present or it’s not. 

When we talk about “quality of a person” we are talking about the essentials like integrity, reliability, essence of goodness.

How is your quality rating?  This one takes some focus and attention.

A series of questions begin to surface when we consider this element called “quality”.

What is our standard?
What ingredients are required?
If we change out parts or ingredients, is it as strong, stronger, or weaker?
Do customers appreciate our standards of quality?
Why or why not?
Are there a few ways we can tweak our quality to improve our serve?

It is amazing to me how some companies are able to produce the same flavors to their food whether I’m in Miami or Memphis.  They have unlocked the concept of quality and consistency. 

Ah, perhaps we’ve unlocked the cousin to quality – consistency.  That speaks loudly of integrity, steadfastness, and stability.

And all of that adds up to “quality”.

Henry Ford once said
“Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.”

Two others:

“Quality begins on the inside and then works its way to the outside”.
~Bob Moawad

“People forget how fast you did a job - they remember how well you did it.”
~Howard Newton

The word is “QUALITY”!

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

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