145 The Cracked Pot
If you've ever felt you were full of cracks and flaws, then you'll find encouragement in today's podcast. There is usefulness in our less than desireable character traits. Be encouraged.
If you've ever felt you were full of cracks and flaws, then you'll find encouragement in today's podcast. There is usefulness in our less than desireable character traits. Be encouraged.
Sometimes we just have to make the jump from where were are to where we want to be. It's not always easy, but it is necessary to achieve the growth we want. Listen to this 8 Minute podcast, and be encouraged in your leaps and jumps.
We all dream. And are we moving toward our dreams or do we lack belief in our dreams? Listen to this 7m 13s podcast and be encouraged.
This is perhaps the most significant podcast I have released thus far. It is a subject I firmly believe in and practice every day of my life. If I have touched a nerve within you, that's good. Perhaps you have added your name to the list of yet another positively minded individuals who promote the power of words.