Saturday, February 8, 2020

Ruts Don't Dig Themselves

Ruts Don’t Dig Themselves

I’m borrowing this idea from Seth Godin, one of my heroes. 

Here’s the thing … Ruts happen, because we do the same ‘ole thing over and over and yet expect different results.  Thus, THE RUT!

Notice that WE have an effect in this equation.  Carolyn doesn’t dig my ruts for me, nor did my parents, siblings, bosses, neighbors or distant cousins.

In his excellent book, The Power of Habits by Charles Duhigg, he says this:

The brain can be reprogrammed.
Changing any habit requires determination.

For more, read the above-mentioned book, or any of several others on this topic.

That is all for now.  I guess we all have some mulling to do on this topic.

This is what is
on my mind today.

P Michael Biggs