I've had a thousand beginnings in
my life. I’ve started projects, books,
repair jobs, and a dozen other enterprises; yet along the way I lost my
I stopped envisioning my
objective. I stopped seeking ways to
continue the pursuit; to accomplish the dream.
I lost my focus.
I discovered this insightful acrostic from Mari Smith’s Personal
Strategies for the word “FOCUS”.
It’s simple.
It’s easy to remember.
Here it is:
It speaks of staying power,
There are some epic examples in
our land of those who have consistently demonstrated FOCUS.
Man on the Moon
Apple and Steve Jobs
Lance Armstrong
President Obama
What are your dreams?
What do you want to do, to be, to
It’s all about F O C U S.
Follow One Course Until
For many years I dreamed of and
talked about becoming a writer and speaker.
But for too many years it was simply talk, no action. I awakened one day and realized that people
were not going to beat my door down until I proved that I had what it takes to
write and speak.
I looked at some stats today for
my blogs. They are being read in places
like Canada, England, Saudi Arabia, and Russia.
I don’t reveal this to boast,
but rather to make a very poignant point.
I am doing what is
required so that I can accomplish my goals
I’m on my way to seeing my dreams
become a reality because I have FOCUS. I
am following one course until successful.
How is your FOCUS?
Map out your strategy.
Set your mind to the task.
Follow your course.
It will lead you to amazing
Happy Travels!