Sunday, June 28, 2015

Fear of Being Wrong

I want to speak to the creative person who lives inside of you.  Let him/her out for a bit and read this.

Nobody who is anybody likes to be wrong.  I certainly don’t and you probably don’t either. 

The fear of being wrong constricts, it stops us in our tracks, and it gets in the way of creativity. 

Note this:

How many attempts did the Wright brothers make before they succeeded in their first flight of 12 seconds?

Do you play the stock market?  How often are you wrong?  How often are you right? 

I don’t have millions of dollars in my retirement portfolio because of fear of making a poor investment.  Can I see a show of hands on that one?

The adventure of being a creative soul is fraught with peril.  You would not believe the fears I faced in my early days of blogging.  Before every push of the PUBLISH button, I faced panic.

My conversations ran something like this.
“What if I’ve said something stupid?”
“What if nobody reads it?”
“What if I misquoted something and the blog police come and arrest me?”

I’m re-reading Julia Cameron’s The Artist Way.  Here’s a quote worth re-quoting. 


I love that.  Am I getting better?  Am I going further and getting stronger?

Squelch the fear.  Stop it in its tracks. 

Do the thing you desire to do. 

I guarantee that tomorrow you’ll be a bit closer to your dream than you were today.

A classic quote:  “Do what you fear and the fear of death is certain.”

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
Encouragement Inspiration
One Word at a Time

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