Sunday, December 16, 2012

Christmas Changes

Christmas memories are a grand thing.  I love to remember Christmas past.

Oh, how I have changed with time.  As a small boy I was ready to burst come eleven o’clock on Christmas Eve.  I thought I could hardly stand another seven hours before we would tear into those tantalizing gifts under the tree.  And to anticipate that new red bicycle, or that BB gun, or whatever else I might have asked for – well it was a bit too much to think about. 

I’ve changed. 

Now, I love the whole month of December.  I revel in the lights and lyrics of Christmas and the friendlier greetings, the smell of delicious food, and all that goes with it. 

I especially love the week leading up to Christmas.  Being around my grandkids is a huge treat.  I can relive my own experiences through their eyes and excited gasps and laughs.

In days gone by Christmas was all about the gifts under the tree that bore my name.  Now, it is enough to light the tree, stoke the fire, sip a good cup of hot coco, hold Carolyn’s hand and listen to our favorite artists on the CD. 

One Christmas, a few years ago, we were so financially strapped that we could not afford to buy each other a simple token of Christmas love.  That was a hard morning.  We gave a few gifts to others, but truly there was no money left for each other.

So on that Christmas morning, we put on a pot of coffee, lit a fire and sat side-by-side on the sofa, reading Christmas stories.  We shed some tears, but we made it through that morning.  Our love somehow deepened, for we went through that hand in hand - heart in heart. 

Christmas changes us.  We change our priorities from what’s there for me to what can I give to you that is more significant and more meaningful than a toy or gift that will break in a day, wear out in a month or go out of style next season. 

That year, we gave perhaps the greatest gift possible – we gave love that asks for nothing more than togetherness; be with me, hold my hand and my heart, and love me through all the seasons of life.

What a Christmas that was.

Merry Christmas

P Michael Biggs
Offering Hope
At Christmas

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