Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I'm Proud of You

I’m Proud of You

Little kids do it a hundred times on any playfield on any day in the world.  They beg for it.  They crave it.  They long for it. 

“Watch me.”  And if you ignore them for just a moment you’ll hear it again, said even more loudly, “Mommy. Daddy.  Watch me.”

They want to be noticed.  They want to be seen. 

What they really want is this -- to make you proud of them.

Everyone wants someone who will come along at some point in our lives and say simply “I’m proud of you.”

Magic words.
          Powerful words.
                    Important words. 

Needed words.

This desire is tied into who we are, and who we see ourselves to be.  And it helps us form our identity as to our likeability, our success quotient and our staying power in social circles.

So simple to say.  So needed to hear.

Almost every time, after I publish a blog, Carolyn will come to me, or send me an email or a text message and whisper words to the effect of “I’m proud of you.”

Oh how those expressions warm my heart.  How they fill me, lift me, encourage me.  They make me float three feet off the ground. 

And knowing human nature as I think I do, those kinds of expressions inflate your sails as well.  They fill you, lift you, and elevate you.

And they should. 

Let me encourage you today to find someone, someone close to you, some relative, some child or grandchild, some employee, some co-worker.  Slide up next to them and dare to whisper these four magic words.  Then walk away.  Don’t linger.  Don’t expect any kind of reciprocal response in return.  Just give and go. 

The gift you just gave will have staying power, and it will live long after you’ve forgotten about giving it.

Improve someone’s day.

Give the gift of “I’m Proud of You.”

P Michael Biggs
Encouragement in Sight
One Word at a Time

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